A Secure Smart Home Automation System with Mobile Platform

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T. A. Giwa
A. A. Ajibola
I. A. Oludare
E. O. Abiodun
A. D. Benedict
M. A. Usman
S. O. Olawale-Shosanya


The concept of a "smart home" has gained attention recently, facing challenges like decision-making, secure IoT device identification, continuous connectivity, and privacy. Existing systems address some of the issues, but a truly effective smart home needs built-in security and analytical capabilities. This work proposes a novel smart home using Z-wave and Wi-Fi, with the Dynamic Analysis and Preplanning Tool (DART) for maximum security. The system employs a support vector machine (SVM) classifier to determine device status ("OFF" or "ON"). The setup includes Raspberry Pi, a 5 V relay circuit, and sensors. An Android app communicates with the Raspberry Pi server via HTTP and Apache. Laboratory and field testing with common devices like TVs, air conditioners, and microwaves validate system effectiveness. TV reaction time increases with distance, but air-conditioner responses remain consistent, enhancing security through Z-wave, Wi-Fi, and DART integration. Our safety module safeguards smart home assets and blocks intruders, improving security and dependability in home automation. The performance of the model was assessed and validated using quantitative analysis techniques and statistical metrics in comparison with other state-of-the-art (SOTA) studies. Experimental findings analyzed using metrics like Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and VAPE, show that Z-wave, Wi-Fi, and DART offer superior dependability, low radio rebirth, simple operation, and straightforward interoperability compared to ZigBee, home plug, and INSTEON. This approach is cost-effective for replication, emphasizing potential security enhancements within a manageable budget.

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How to Cite
Giwa, T. A., Ajibola, A. A., Oludare, I. A., Abiodun, E. O., Benedict, A. D., Usman, M. A., & Olawale-Shosanya , S. O. (2024). A Secure Smart Home Automation System with Mobile Platform. Journal of Science and Information Technology, 18(1), 8–21. Retrieved from http://journals.tasued.edu.ng/index.php/josit/article/view/80