Author Guidelines
Three types of manuscripts are to be submitted:
Original research: The length of a full paper should be the minimum necessary to describe and interpret the work, and it should describe novel and rigorously verified findings, with sufficient description of the experimental procedures to enable others to corroborate the work.
Short communications: A short communication is appropriate for summarizing the findings of thorough, limited investigations or for describing novel models, hypotheses, identification, creative approaches, procedures, or tools. Main portions do not have to follow the same format as longer pieces. Short communications range in length from two to four printed pages (about six to twelve manuscript pages).
Mini-reviews: Mini-reviews and viewpoints on subjects of current relevance are accepted and encouraged to be submitted. Mini-reviews ought to be short - no more than 4-6 printed pages, or 12 to 18 pages of manuscript and brief.
Review Process: Every paper must be examined by an editor, an editorial board member, or a team of specialist reviewers. Only reviewers randomly chosen from our database with expertise in the subject area will be contacted to examine manuscripts; authors are not permitted to recommend reviewers. It will be a double-blind process. Within 8 weeks, the first decision will be made.
Original Research: All manuscript text must be typed with double spacing, and each page must be numbered beginning with the title. The title ought to be a succinct statement outlining the paper's subject matter. The writers' full names, affiliations, the title of the corresponding author, and email addresses should all be listed on the title page.
Abstract: The abstract should briefly introduce the subject, describe the experiments' scope, highlight crucial data, and highlight the most important findings and conclusions. It should also be informative and entirely self-explanatory. The abstract should have whole sentences, active verbs, and third person singular, and should range in length from 100 to 250 words. The abstract needs to be written in the past tense, with conventional nomenclature, and without using abbreviations. No academic works should be cited. A list of three to ten keywords that will serve as indexing references should come after the abstract.
Introduction: The problem, pertinent literature on the topic, and the suggested strategy or solution should all be clearly stated in the opening. It need to be comprehensible to readers from a variety of scientific fields.
Materials and methods: Materials and procedures should be finished to enable experiment replication. Only really novel processes, however, should be detailed in depth; alternatively, only significant revisions to previously published techniques should be briefly acknowledged.
Results: Clarity and accuracy should be used to present the outcome. When summarizing the outcomes of the author's experiment, the result should be written in the past tense. Writing about previously released findings should be done in the present tense. Discussions, conjectures, and a thorough interpretation of the facts should not be included in the results but rather in the discussion session. Results should be explained, but mostly without referencing the literature.
Discussion: The discussion should evaluate the results in light of the findings from related research that were conducted in the past and present. At the end of the paper, briefly state the conclusion. Subheadings are permissible in the Results and Discussion sections, and when appropriate, both parts may be combined.
A maximum of five tables and figures should be used, and they should be made as simple as possible. All text in tables, including headings and footnotes, must be double-spaced. Each table should have a heading and legend as well as a sequential Arabic numbering system. Tables ought to be self-explanatory without a textual reference. The legend, not the text, should contain the specifics of the methods employed. The same information shouldn't be repeated in the text or shown in both table and graphical form.
Before pasting in Microsoft Word for the manuscript file, graphics should be created using programs that can produce high resolution GIF, TIFF, JPEG, or PowerPoint files.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement of people, grants, funds, and so on, should be brief
References: The journal accepts only APA referencing style
Copyright: When a manuscript is submitted, it is assumed that the work described has never been published previously (aside from as an abstract or as part of a published lecture or thesis), and that it is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere until authors have received feedback.