Attainment of Society 5.0 in Nigeria using Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education Programme

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M. E. Odo


The growth and development of any nation are dependent upon the type of education provided for its generation. Realizing this fact therefore, the Federal Government of Nigeria is committed to transforming Nigerian society through various forms of education. One of these is mass literacy, adult and non-formal education. The underlying objective of this educational programme is to achieve a reasonable level of literacy in the country in line with the global agenda of education for all. The paper examined mass literacy, adult and non-formal education as means of attaining globalized and digitalized society outlook known as ‘society 5.0’ in Nigeria. It further notes that mass literacy, adult and non-formal education is intended to raise literacy level of Nigerians to cope with evolving technologies. However, the paper expressed some level of skepticisms on the weight of this educational programme to attain a digitalized society referred to as ‘Society 5.0’. The reason is due to disruptions of Nigerian economy arising from herdsmen attack and killings, kidnappings, terrorism, ritualism, resource control and some other corrupt practices bedeviling the country. It was recommended that federal government should address the colossal educational infrastructural deficit on the ground that cannot sustain e-learning in the school system and also tackle the issues of corruption and insecurity that are bedeviling the system.

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How to Cite
Odo, M. E. (2022). Attainment of Society 5.0 in Nigeria using Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education Programme. Journal of Speacialised and Professional Education, 6(1), 12–18. Retrieved from